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Kim Allman

Head of Corporate Responsibility and Government Affairs

Kim Allman leads global government affairs and public policy for NortonLifeLock.

She is a veteran of Capitol Hill and managed the national state legislative programs for the domestic record industry at RIAA and for the tech industry at TechAmerica. She served for six years as an appointee by the Obama Administration at the Corporation for National and Community Service running their government relations efforts. She was recently appointed to the Board of the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) and is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).

Get to know Kim Allman

You serve on the NCA’s Executive Committee. Can you tell us about that committee and what it is like to be a part of it?

I just accepted a larger role on the Executive Committee which I feel is an honor. I am now serving as the Vice Chair of the Executive Committee. Awareness and education around cybersecurity is so critical and day in, day out becomes more critical.

The National Cyber Security Alliance is really at a unique place to impact the conversations and education efforts in the space. Being on the Executive Committee means we help the leadership and the organization keep on track and be the best that it can be!

What has it meant to you to be a National Cybersecurity Alliance board member?

It has been a great experience. The National Cyber Security Alliance team is fantastic and Kelvin is an impactful leader. I have been around through transitions both at my company and with the National Cyber Security Alliance.

Watching the organization grow, gain more exposure, and have more impact is terrific to watch and be a little part of. I believe there is tremendous value for companies in partnering with the National Cyber Security Alliance. I have been so happy to have the support to continue the relationship.

What are your hopes and goals for the National Cybersecurity Alliance?

Lead and grow! Seriously, I would like the National Cyber Security Alliance to do more education, more convenings, and be THE thought leader around cybersecurity.

What excites you about your government affairs work?

I am really excited about building the government affairs program out globally. We are focused on consumer cyber safety and it is an incredible time to be able to share expertise and thought leadership with policymakers.

Cyber is in the news almost every day as we all know, but it is interesting to educate policymakers on the consumer cyber issues.

You also run NortonLifeLock’s corporate responsibility program. How does cybersecurity factor into this?

We have spent the last year and a half really working through what we want our social impact and objectives to be for NortonLifeLock. We did a materiality analysis and interviewed stakeholders both internally and externally and identified cybersecurity education and training as our top material issue. That means that we are going to drive a large portion of our philanthropy to education and training around cybersecurity.

I would really like to see us focus on a younger demographic and exposing them to cybersecurity as a pathway for the future.

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